I just took the first picture of my Oshima Tsubaki Camilla Oil in a spray bottle mixed with water, in front is a small bottle of Oshima Tsubaki Camilla Oil it's 100% pure Camilla Oil, the next picture is my Oshima Tsubaki Camillia Oil Shampoo and in the back in the to Red bottles are my Shiseido Tsubaki Shampoo and Conditioner. I got all these products in China Town at "A Japanese Shop"
Shiseido Tsubaki [Camellia] Oil has a historical presence among Japan's hair care materials. Recent scientific studies have shown Camellia Oil's effectiveness in hair. Shiseido Camellia oil, made from camellia seeds, has been used in Japan for over a hundred years. Camellia oil keeps moisture in your hair intact and protects from sun burn! I just love this product as an actress I have to keep my hair in tip top condition at all times and Tsubaki does that for me. Latrice Butts
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But you can follow me on my Twitter Page http://twitter.com/latricebutts